Services: Call for Pricing & Availability
Infant Room
Pre-Toddler, Toddler, & Older Toddler Rooms:
Younger Twos/Older Twos
Before and After School
Summer Program
Part-Time position selections are: Tuesday/Thursday & Monday, Wednesday, Friday and prices vary for these positions, call us for more information regarding availability.
What you & your child get at MC's Kids:
Daily learning programs for six weeks through 5 years of age.
Before and After School programs available for five through twelve years of age, as well as summer programs.
Drop off and pick up available for local schools.
Field trips for three year olds, Pre-K, Kindergarten and summer programs.
For all day programs, two snacks and lunch are provided to children, as long as they can have what we are providing. (Example, if they are allergic to a certain food)
We are a NUT FREE facility. We do not serve or allow anything with peanuts, peanut butter or peanut oil allowed in, and we do not cook anything with peanut oil.
Lunches and both snacks are prepared FRESH daily. This helps children get a well rounded sense of what is nutritious and good for them.
We send home a weekly Menu for the parents so they know what they are having each and every day.
We serve Milk with lunch, chilled water with AM snack and Fruit Juice with PM snack.
We have an App called Brightwheel that will allow you to pay your child's tuition each week by linking your bank account. This is also how you can stay in contact with administrators if you have any questions as well as your child's teacher.
You will get alerts sent straight to your app daily when your child gets his/her diaper changed, goes to the potty, has lunch or snack or a bottle, as well as any important activities!
For more on Brightwheel, visit our Brightwheel tab on our website.